Cyprus Newspaper Availability In English & GreekEnglish Language NewspapersCyprus Newspaper availability in English brings you two papers. Daily The Cyprus Mail available 7 days a week. This paper is viewed as a more serious read plus you get a lighthearted lifestyle supplement magazine in the Sunday edition Weekly The Cyprus Weekly published on a Friday and has classified section plus a weekly lifestyle section You can have this newspaper delivered anywhere in the world. To Have The Paper Delivered - Contact: Rona Hadjipapa Advertising Manager Advertising Department - The Cyprus Weekly Newspaper CYWEEKLY LTD 1 Diogenous Street, Engomi, 2404 Nicosia, P.O.Box 24977
Tel: +357 22744422 Fax: +357 22668665 Her email is: r.hadjipapa@cyprusweekly.com.cy
World Wide Air Mail Rates
EUROPE €140 for six months or €280 for one year USA/CANADA/AFRICA €187.50 for six months or €375 for one year
AUSTRALIA €187.50 for six months or €375 for one year
CYPRUS €75 for six months or €150 for one year
If you want to read the Cyprus Mail online you can go to Cyprus Mail If you want to read the Cyprus Weekly on line you can go to Cyprus Weekly For the latest in Cyprus Financial News go to The Financial Mirror Online Only
Newpapers In GreekFor those of you who speak and read greek there are more choices for you and can buy them as tabloids and they are online as well This can only be found online but you can print a PDF version if you want to read offline An independent broadsheet with an average daily circulation of over 10,000 copies.
SIMERINI is the first Greek speaking newspaper to offer its readers an electronic daily edition on the Internet Phileleftheros is the biggest publishing organization in Cyprus with more than 70 years of experience in newspapers and magazines This is the politics paper on the island and is both tabloid and online Leave Cyprus Newspaper To Return Home
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